As usual I met him online today and he asked me for a favour. Whenever a friend of me asks me for a favour, almost always it’s about a suggestion or an opinion. His favour was no different form the usual ones. The first thing he asked me was; “hey dude, have you got a spare phone?” This almost shocked me. Well not because he asked me for different kind of favour. It surprised me because he’s the kind of person who would always have a cool phone. He gets a good salary; he has no wife no kids. Neither had he a girlfriend until recently. So I was thinking that he would have saved most of his income from the job. But to my surprise he told me he’s left with nothing. He has no money to buy his phone. This really made me worry about my dear friend. When I said I have no spare phones, he sadly asked me “what shall I do now Hassan?” Yes he’s desperate, and he needs a phone. I’m writing about this not because I want to embarrass him, rather I want this to be a lesson for all of us, including myself.
How could I help him now?
Saving money has been a hard job for the youth in Malé, especially during their teenage. In fact I was one of them who didn’t know how to manage the income. But God willingly, now I have at least some degree of tolerance to live a so called “cheap” life. This problem is so common among the youth in
Here is a simple balance Sheet for a typical Maldivian guy’s expenditure per month, who earns 6000 as a salary. This balance sheet was drawn based on the expenditure of some of my friends and my personal experiences. When we spend for our personal things we need to consider our income. Our target should not be using up all the money we have by the end of month. In fact it has to be saving as less as possible, in order to make the savings maximum. There are many ways we can cut down the expenditure. There are many more that we can save in a typical month. There are many things for which the expenditure could be reduced. Below is an example of how much we can save for the same salary!
In fact we can save even more. We all need to think that we have a life ahead of us. The more we do now for that life, the happier with it be. So let’s save money for our future starting form now, with the intention of leading a good life.
These are just my thoughts. I’m quite sure there will be others who would have different thoughts. So why don’t you guys send your views to the “comments” box below.
Can we give up smoking and coffees :)
Well I did :D
I came across your blog by accident but found that it was a nice read. Especially with regards to this article that you have written. some months back I had a friend asking me how he could save, so i gave him a small example from his life...
* Cups of coffee at cafe's per day on every working day = 3 (at least)
* MRf per cup of coffee = 10
* Total MRf spent per day on coffee = 30
* No of working days in a week = 5
* Amount spent on coffee per week = 150
* No of woking days in a month (approx) = 20 (4 weeks)
* Amount spent on coffee per month = 600
* No of months in a year = 12
* Total MRf spent on coffee in a year = 7200
Imagine... Instead if you put this 30 Rufiyaa in your account everyday then by the end of the year you have a small saving. The same can be applied into various aspects of life. You just need to sit down and write out what is and what is not important in your life.
I applaude the life changes that you have made in your life. Well done.
I liked this article a lot. You are very right about saving and also not spending on unnecessary things. But somehow I do not find your saving plan very feasible. But then I do not like in Maldives at the moment so I can't really tell. Keep blogging. You're doing a great job.
wow..great post..i get my savings only by saving my interval money..when 50 rf is saved, the whole 50 rf is spent on buyin a prepaid most of the time i dun have any savings.. :( the worst part is that il not get even my interval money after this year!! poor poor me..hehe..
Thats really great work...You atleats got the idea of saving money for your 'interval', to buy a recharge vouccher...but dun skip interval too much.. u might not have enough energy to use the prepaid card even...just a thought ingey...:D
interval nubuyas thihaa haalu dhera eh nuvaane iraadha kurehviyyaa.. :P
"In fact it has to be saving as less as possible, in order to make the savings maximum."
I think u meant "saving as MUCH as possible..."
is it an error or maybe im wrong?
* * * * *
anyways i wanted to say u're ABSOLUTELY right... we should learn to save in order to secure our future.
since childhood my mom has got me everything i wanted whenever i wanted - not with the intention of spoiling me but because she loved me a lot. but now i wish that she had said "no" to me when i asked her to buy me those not-so-useful and not-needed-at-all stuff. because of all that im not really good at saving up. but when i started living on my own for the first time this year, i realized how important it is to save and how precious each cent is.
kids need to be taught how to save and that their parents aren't going to be their for them always. neither would they always have money to spend on useless expenses.
phew! i think i just wrote my own blog entry in here....haha. sorry for making it uber long. nice topic =] keep blogging.
very perspective.. Maldivians are just too concerned about 'fitting' in.. into a culture which is so superficial..that we have to wear designer clothes ( fake ones at that ) even if the bills and rent are over due.. oh well.. talk about priority
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